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NC 2 + VIT C 90 CAPS


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The functioning of our immune system is based on a complex balance of reactions, which in some cases can be altered, causing, among other things, loss of mobility, stiffness or sensitivity of the joints.


The type II collagen in NC2 is obtained using a unique patented low-temperature process that guarantees its quality. This type of manufacturing process makes it possible to obtain a type II collagen that has retained its original structure: the triple helix shape that has kept its epitopes.

NC2 can be used alone or as a supplement to Bioglucosamine Max or Biocondil.

1 capsule per day.
It is recommended to take NC2 on an empty stomach with a glass of water.

Precautions for use
Pregnant and breast-feeding women should not take any dietary supplement without consulting their doctor.

Improving cartilage

40 mg collagen, including 10 mg native collagen II (undenatured).12 mg vitamin C (15% AR)